Preview Possession in California 1984
November 10, 2021
Last Night In Soho (2021) Film Ending Explained
November 28, 2021Possession in 1984 California
Listen to the podcast episode below or read on for the full Copper Shock Horror Episode!
The Intro Before The Story
Hello Constant listener. On Cambrige.org I found an article from 2018. It draws lines between Jinn possession and mental health. You heard me right, Jinns’ (or genies as most Americans would recognize) can achieve possession of people, not just grant wishes.
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In fact, this belief is most likely found in Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Middle East or North Africa. What’s even more peculiar is that these cultures recognize two different forms of the word Possession. The first infers invoking a “True” possession of prompting the supernatural. The Second is probably closer to what I grew up hearing. A stroke of amnesia, loss of self-identity to something else taking you over. An induced trance.
Jinns are old. We’re talking pre-Christianity and Pre Judaism, more in the Pagan area - OLD. The word Jinn derives from the Arabic root Jann which conveys the idea of protecting, shielding, concealing or veiling. Which I think is odd, I would consider that description to that of Angles, but Jinn’s are specifically not considered that elevated of a spiritual being.
I read a few items referencing the Qur’an translated into english. It talked about the origins of Jinn’s and how they exist. Origins speak about how man was molded from Clay, and the after smoke of the fire that molded man became the Jinn. Almost a prophetic shadow of mankind. However, A Jinn’s life may honestly surprise you. It is remarkably normal. No they’re not in a lamp in the desert somewhere. But they eat, get married, they have kids, they live alongside humans in their own world where we are unable to see them. However, unlike humans, they are able to shapeshift at will, and vye for possession of a human body.
Mengunjungi situs toto macau 4d memberikan pengalaman yang seru dan menyeluruh bagi para pecinta taruhan, dengan berbagai opsi taruhan yang menarik dan menantang. Di situs ini, pemain dapat menikmati sensasi memasang taruhan pada berbagai jenis permainan, mulai dari lotre hingga permainan kasino lainnya. Selain itu, situs tersebut juga menyediakan informasi penting dan terbaru mengenai hasil pengeluaran macau, sehingga pemain dapat dengan mudah memantau hasil taruhan mereka dan merencanakan strategi taruhan berikutnya.
Jinns are not definitively evil or good. They are given individual deference and a moral compass just like humans. They have the agency to believe or not believe. To act good, evil or apathetic. However, Jinns who are up to no good, will sense out humans who are weak in vices, hunger for power, control. This makes humans easily susceptible. Jinns hunt people who exhibit depression, lack self-confidence or lack of will. It is by expressing prayer and desire to be closer to holiness that makes one impervious to such menaces. It’s not one-to-one on Christians and Demonism, but at a 50,000-foot view, to me, the parallels are there.
But the story told to me by Constant listener Marielle in California didn’t involve exorcism. Didn’t involve any dabbling with an ouija board, or even really doing much to deserve what happened. She told me about a day that “The Devil was running around Town” in 1984, and how she witnesses something incredible that to this day cannot be explained fully. I only ask that we listen to her story and wonder.
I'm Tasha Wheelhouse and this is Copper Shock.
This story contains underage drinking, and mild language.
Seeing My Friend Possessed In Broad Daylight
In the Summer of 1984, I lived in a small town in California. When your town is about 3,000 total in population and your school class is only about 100 kids, it’s the kind of place where everyone knows everyone, and they still talk about that one time when the first stoplight got installed on Main Street. My mother came into my room “Marielle, get up get up!”
“What’s wrong mom?”
“Leroy is in the hospital.”
I blinked still waking up. Leroy was the little boy up the street I’d babysit very occasionally for the Gilroys.
“How is Leroy hurt?”
“9 gun shots to the back.”
My eye’s widened and I immediately got dressed. As I walked out my front door, I could see up the street. Two police cars (Really all the town had) were parked out front of the Gilroys. Official “Do not cross line” yellow tape was tied around the fence posts in the front yard. The front door was wide open as multiple officers walked in and out talking to each other and using their walkie-talkies. I saw Calvin in his officer's suit walking around. Two years ago he was just some big brother to my friend Sofia.
“Pst, Calvin!” I hissed at him and waved my hand gesturing for him to come over to see me. He eyed me from across the lawn and shook his head. “Sorry Mar, I can’t talk about it yet.” and he walked into the Gilroys open front door. My mind was spinning. The Gilroys owned the only local restaurant and bar in town. Everyone knew who they were.
I met up with Sofia as planned later that afternoon. We sat in her car parked car just watching cars drive up and down the main road.
“Did you hear about what happened this morning?” She asked me.
“I did. Poor Leroy.”
“I wasn’t talking about Leroy.”
I gave her a puzzled look. What news could be bigger than that?
“Wait what were you talking about?”
“The Consuelo Brothers.”
“No I didn’t hear, what happened this morning.”
“They were in such a crazed argument they grabbed kitchen knives and tried to stab each other. Then they started chasing each other up the street and running in and out the neighbor’s houses too. So many people called up my big brother that they were in cuffs before they could actually hurt anybody else other than themselves. But still weird right?”
I could hear the passing Cars rolling up and down Mainstreet.
She rolled her head resting on her driver’s headrest to look over at me.
“Your brother wouldn’t tell me what happened to Leroy. Do you know anything?”
She shrugged. “All I know is that Ken Shot him. They’re still looking for him.”
I sat up in my chair looking at Sofia.
“Leroy’s dad shot him 9 times? What else did Cal say?”
“Like Calvin really tells me anything. I don’t know. I just know they’re looking for him.”
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“I really don’t know. My mom couldn’t get in contact with them.” She said shrugging. “Probably having the worst day.”
I slumped back down into my seat looking back out at Main street again.
“Remember when we were little and Calvin played that prank on us?”
“Heh.” Sofia said placed her feet up onto the dashboard. “Which prank?” She smiled.
“The book of the dead. Do you remember that? We were probably about 6?”
“I kinda do. Was that when Cal and and and… oh shoot what’s his name?”
“I don’t remember, but I know who you’re talking about. But the two of them told us about how Calvin kept the book of the dead under his bed and that’s why we weren’t allowed to look under there?”
Sofia laughed. “That’s right, thinking back on it I’m sure he had other contraband and didn’t want us snooping.”
“I asked him to prove it. That Book.”
“That’s right. So he and what’s his name came back with a black bedsheet over his head holding out a huge large school text book. Inside it they had taped in college-ruled three punch paper.”
“The names looked so creepy. The lettering was flourishy and fake written in pencil.” I laughed pretty hard at the image in my head. “ Then Cal asked us if we wanted to sign it if we didn’t believe it.”
“You were so mad at me when I said I’d sign it just to prove my brother wrong. I mean you were MAD.” We both started to chuckle at this pretty hard.
“Yeah. If I recall that was the only time I punched Calvin in the arm really hard, like enough to bruise. I grabbed your hand, and demanded we play barbies instead. I wanted to keep you safe.” we both kept laughing at the memory of being little. It may have only been 10 years ago, but at that moment sitting in the car looking over Mainstreet, it felt like a lifetime ago.
More cars rolled by as we felt the summer air drift around us. I started to think about why Old man Gilroy would shoot at his son, and how badly I felt for the rest of his family. I wondered how they were doing too.
(cars rolling by and silence) “Did you hear that?!” Sofia then sat up and immediately turned around to face her back seat. She practically whipped around her whole body in full alarm. She was wide-eyed and staring at the empty backseat.
“No. What did you hear?” I turned around to look toward the backseat with her.
“I… just… Never mind.” She then faced forward and reached down to turn the ignition.
“Let’s head over to the school field. They should be there by now.” I nodded and buckled my seat belt as she pulled into Mainstreet.
As we pulled into the school parking lot I could see two boys standing next to their car. One gave a friendly wave to us as we pulled in.
“Hey guys!” Sofia waved back to her boyfriend. “Cramer, did you get it?” One of the guys smiled and pointed to the cooler near their feet. Each of them picked up a handle and we began to walk the school grounds over the field.
“Hey Soph.” Cramer called over “What did Cal say?”
“Guys! Calvin doesn’t tell me anything.”
“I mean I know Leroy is in the hospital...” I said to the group.
“9 shots to the back from his dad. Isn’t that wild?” Jose said as he struggled against the weight of the cooler handle. We found the right spot and sat down to open the cooler. A few beers peeked up at us stuffed in between icecubes. We each handed one beer to each other as we lay back on the grass. Cramer and Jose were joking with one another making a lot of Your Mama Jokes. Those were big in the 80’s. If you haven’t heard enough of those I’d recommend looking up a few. And to be honest there were a couple of Jose’s that made me snort a little. All of us were laughing from the gut.
About 15 minutes into hanging out and talking, Sofia stopped mid-laugh. She got real quiet, and looked down into her lap not saying a word. Almost as if she were tired in a way.
“Sof what’s wrong?” I asked her. She didn’t look up at me. Instead, she stood up on her feet turned around, and began to slowly walk away. She dropped her half full beer bottle from her hand as though she didn’t hold on to it tight enough, and kept walking. Jose, Cramer, and I looked at one another confused.
“Sofia where are going?” Cramer called after his girlfriend. She didn’t turn back to us, and just kept going. We started laughing again at the odd behavior and watched as Sofia walked across the field toward the parking lot. I stood up and ran over to her to shake her shoulders. “Sofia. Hey! Snap out of it.” I shook her a little bit harder when she didn’t stop walking and didn’t look at me.
After the second hard shake, Sofia did stop and turned to me. Her arms loose at her sides, the look in her eyes was almost anger. But I could tell her facial expression had more annoyance. She glared and said under her breath. “I don’t know you Bitch.” And continued to walk away. I raised my eyebrows and stood there midway on the grass a bit shocked. I started walking back toward Cramer and Jose.
We watched as she didn’t flinch when she passed her car and … kept walking toward the street. That was when we saw two people at the edge of the parking lot, and I became worried.
“We need to go get her. What is she doing?” Jose asked outloud. Without another word, Jose and Cramer packed up the cooler and started to walk toward where Sofia was. Jose and Cramer were carrying the ice chest and I began to jog ahead to try to make up lost ground between us and Sofia. As I got closer to the edge of the lot I recognized the two men standing there.
“Did you guys see Sofia?” Two elderly gentlemen who I knew worked at the local hardware store nodded. One gentleman in a plaid shirt and a cowboy hat nodded and asked me. “She ok? We tried to say hello to her and she totally ignored us.”
“Where is she?”
“Across the street.” One of the towners pointed across the way. Jose and Cramer waddled up to me still holding the ice chest.
A blood-chilling scream echoed from the other side of the street.
“That sounds like Sof!” I said. Cramer and Jose without a word drop the ice chest. The three of us in a full run darted across the street toward the only Catholic church in town. As we rounded the back of the building there was Sofia on the ground writhing. It didn’t look like a seizure exactly, but she was convulsing and struggling. I leaned down to look her over looking for signs of attack, but I didn’t see any blood.
“She’s grabbing at her neck.” Jose said. And I took a step back. It looked like she was trying to grab at something near her neck like it was choking her horribly. I started to cry and knelt beside her to try to hold her down. One of the towners on the other side of the street heard the commotion and ran to the nearest home to dial for the police. The second towner came across the street to try to help. He turned to me and said, “What did you do to her?!” My eye’s widened. “What? What do you mean what did I do to Sofia?”
Sofia started laughing. A low slow laugh. Then she’d start to cry, then laugh. Sofia’s Mother came to the church as she was also called. Sofia stopped struggling and stood up. Her mother reached out to hug her asking what’s wrong.
Sofia had a deadness in her eyes and a voice said: “Don’t touch me you bitch.” I’d never heard Sofia say anything like that to her mother in all the years I’d known her. They were very close in fact. Sofia then collapsed again and began to scream grabbing at her neck.
Her mother was crying hysterically as Calvin came with his car.
“Everyone back up! Back up. What drugs did you give her?” Calvin turned and looked directly at me. I raised my eyebrows at the accusation.
“We don’t do drugs. We had one beer on the field but that’s it. She didn’t even drink all of it.”
Calvin leaned down to look at his sister. She’d gone limp and her eyes were wide open.
“I’m asking you again what drugs did you give my sister. Her life may depend on it.”
I was at a loss. “I didn’t… There are no drugs.”
No one wanted to believe me, Jose or Cramer. And later that afternoon I was asked to come down to the station to give my statement on Sofia. I told the same story as before. We were on the field, drinking our first and only beer that afternoon. No drugs.
As I was leaving the desk I saw Sofia behind bars in a straight jacket of some kind. Her hair was long and wild about her face as she stared at me like a hungry animal. She started to laugh again. I really have a hard time thinking about the laugh Sofia gave in those few minutes before she started screaming aloud in that jail cell. This time she was demanding that she wanted the whole world around her, that she was going to count down from 10. She’d start count down and when she hit zero she’d scream and then start to laugh as if it was a joke that she understood. Then promptly started crying again. Then laughing. She was completely out of her mind.
Calvin was sitting outside the precinct, he was sitting on a stone bench holding his hat.
“Hey Cal you ok?”
“Somethings wrong, and I really hope this is the last of it Mar.”
“What do you mean?”
“The Consuelo brothers trying to stab each other this morning, Sofia acting weird, and the Gilroys. Marielle, they’re ALL dead, except for Leroy. But surviving 9 shots to the back is a miracle.” I sat there stunned, patient listening.
“How are they all gone Cal?” I asked with a heavyweight in my stomach.
“We found Ken. And it’s all about to come out.” I stayed quiet while I let him talk.
“Ken killed his wife, the two older sons, and Leroy got away by crawling through a small bathroom window and riding away on his bike with bullets in him. Ken then took his car, picked up his sister. He drove outside of town. He dropped her off in the middle of nowhere. Ken kept driving further out and ate his own gun that he killed his whole family with.”
“He left his sister alive?” I asked. A twisted feeling crept up in my stomach.
“She walked back to town, that’s the only way we knew what road to go down to find him in his car.”
“Cal i’m so sorry.”
“I am too. Look, I’m not asking this to be cross. I just really gotta know.”
“What drugs is Sofia on?”
I just shook my head.
Cal nodded and looked down at his hands.
“Yeah. Sure.” He sniffled and stood up placing his hat back on his head.
Sofia was checked into a mental facility that night. Her stomach was pumped and put through a tox screening, we’d find out more in a few days.
The morning after everything happened and Sofia was in the hospital Cramer knocks hard on my door angry.
“If they find anything in my girlfriend’s system You’re going to jail. How could you give her drugs?” from that moment forward Cramer and I didn’t hang out. Sofia’s mother was also convinced I’d done something to her.
I heard later that the laughing and crying emotion loop went on for four more days straight at the hospital. When the tox report came back that no one believed it. She didn’t have anything in her system but beer, and not even enough beer to make her drunk. Maybe a sip or two.
About a month after that my parents told me they’re going to go over to Sofia’s house to offer support and ask if there’s anything they need. My mom was good friends with Sofia’s mom. Later that evening when mom came back I could tell something was bothering her. I sat on the couch watching TV as she stood in front of me.
“I don’t want you going to visit Sofia any time soon.”
I stood up to click off our old rabbit ears TV. “Is her mom still mad at me?”
“Not that. I mean I don’t want you going there. Something is still wrong with her, I can feel it. I didn’t even want to step into her bedroom to say hi when I saw something in her eyes. I don’t want to say much more than that, just promise me you won’t.”
My mother then walked away toward the kitchen to begin prepping dinner.
I’d see Sofia around school and we didn’t talk to each other for a full 2 years. It wasn’t really until we were in our 20s that she and I were thick as thieves once more. We never talked about that day, and when I did bring it up to ask her what happened she answered with “You gave me drugs.” it’s like no one in town wanted to believe anything other than that happened and I would be perpetually blamed for it the rest of my life. Didn’t matter what her tox screen said.
There was one other experience with Sofia that still gives me shivers. She and I had driven from our small town out to the big city to go clubbing. The drive back home is pretty rural and long stretches of farmland or rolling hills with just stars and your headlights. She was sitting in my passenger seat fairly tired as it was 2 am. I had the radio on and there’s a stretch of road that the radio reception isn’t so great so I turned it off as we drove in absolute silence. Sofia sits up abruptly and looks into the back seat.
“Did you hear that?” She asked alarmed. I felt ice wash through me remembering that moment 6 years prior.
“No Sof. Go back to sleep.” She settled back in and closed her eyes. All the rest of way home I gripped my steering wheel with white knuckles. Hoping she wouldn’t start laughing or crying.
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When a teenager sees strange things happening all around town that suggests the Devil is here. Find more information on coppershock.com.